Senin, 28 Februari 2011
It's Been Three Years with My Sun :)
Tiga tahun udah lewat sejak kenangan pertama di Puncak Kana ^_^ Today I celebrate the third anniversary with my boyfriend :) Back to the past, sewaktu pertama kenal kami masih sama2 kuliah. Kami hanya 2 mahasiswa yg kebetulan bertemu di salah 1 organisasi kampus, Unit Penelitian Mahasiswa. Yah, gw ga akan berhenti bersyukur udah masuk ke dalam organisasi ini. Gw bisa belajar banyak, dapet banyak pengalaman manis dan pahit, ketemu banyak temen baru yg sampai saat ini masih berhubungan baik, dan ketemu dia ;)
Awalnya agak2 sebel sama dia, karena dia bener2 nyebelin dengan gayanya yg sok angkuh, kemudian rada ga tau diri suka ngerepotin gw hahaha.. Waktu itu memang kami ga terlalu dekat, cuma sebagai teman biasa yg aktif di organisasi yg sama. Di salah 1 acara di akhir Desember 2007, entah kenapa kami ngobrol sangat banyak. Di malam yg sama, kami nginep rame2 di rumah salah 1 teman tempat acara berlangsung. Besoknya, tanpa disangka tiba2 dia SMS dan sejak saat itu mulailah kami SMSan. Sebelumnya kami memang pernah beberapa kali SMSan, tp hanya untuk sekedar kepentingan organisasi atau yg penting2 aja :p
Ga pernah terpikir, sejak saat itu kok rasanya kami makin deket. Ga tau kenapa, mungkin tanpa kami sadari sepertinya emang saat itu kami udah ngerasa ada kecocokan. Akhirnya pas valentine 2008, dia kasih selembat surat yg menyatakan perasaannya. Me, he, and my friends have quite a funny story behind it hehehe.. Intinya, setelah itu dia baru nanya apakah gw mau jadi pacarnya pas pertama kali nonton bareng - only two of us. Saat itu pun gw belum bisa kasih jawaban, jadi gw butuh waktu berpikir (udah kaya tawaran kerja hehe). Di acara UPM berikutnya di daerah puncak, dia nanya apakah gw udah punya jawaban, and i said yes. Hari itu, tepat tanggal 29 Februari 2008. Jadi sebenarnya, kami baru bisa bener2 celebrate tahun depan, tanggal 29 februari 2012 :D
Hari ini, dia udah ada di Australia untuk ngelanjutin kuliah. Sayangnya dia ga ada disini, tapi dimanapun dia berada, everyday is special since he's in my heart ;)
Happy third anniversary honey, hope our love will always be forever and always ^_^
Senin, 07 Februari 2011
Till Our Next Meeting ;)
A couple days ago, two of us went together for some kind of farewell. It’s not actually a farewell though, because 1.5 year is not a long time (hopefully). So, possibly better to mention it as personal or intimate gathering? Hehe.. It was the day before Chinese New Year, so let’s say we also celebrated CNY ^_^ We went to CafĂ© Dermaga for lunch in Pantai Mutiara.
After that, we went to Pluit Junction to watch The Green Hornet, a comedy superhero movie :D Then, we went off to my home. The street around Pluit was very crowded since there were a lot of Chinese people wanted to celebrate CNY. For supper, we went to a seafood resto near my house with my family and then headed to Puri Mall to buy some books. Very typical day for a ‘special’ moment :p I realize what’s more important is not where we go, but how we could build the togetherness. We must feel happy everytime we meet our beloved ones ^^
We thought that it’s our last time went together for this year, but it’s coincidentally that yesterday we went to Puri Mall again :p He had some kind of business there, therefore we also did sport in Celebrity Fitness as he is a member there and I got free trial haha.. Frankly, I’ve never been comfortable to be in such high-class society. So, I dunno if I can do sports there again by myself. No one of my close friends are a member. We’ll see…
Anyway, Yessica my best friend kindly accompanied me today to the airport, and she helped us took several pictures. Thanks a lot for your support and compassion!! Good luck for my lovely boyfriend in the future :) Hope the distance just grow our love stronger and everlasting when you come back for me ^_^
Take care hun ^_^ You can do your best.
Have a good nite everyone...