Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Farewell to You :)

Hari Jumat minggu lalu adalah hari terakhir buat Kak Mitzi menjadi salah 1 staf PSB Singapore School. Kak Mitzi ini adalah senior gw yg sama2 kerja sebagai marketing executive di sekolah ini :D

Kak Mitzi, I learned a lot from you, theoretically and also practically. Even though we only meet in a very short time (about a month), I honestly want to say a lot of gratitude. You made me realize that marketing jobs are not that simple, and you have taught me through many things. I apologize for my too-much-assertiveness and my slowness when you explained something to me :p Maybe we will meet again and have another chit-chat :)

In Kak Mitzi's farewell party and Mbak Selby's bday

Hope that everything here goes well, and I hope you a very good luck for your new job^^ God bless u!!

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